Category Archives: Global Health Carnival

Back to the grind. Now… where were we? Ah right, we want to host a carnival!

O.K. O.K. We’ve been a little neglectful of this blog. The Canadian election sort of sucked the wind from us, but here we are, back again with renewed vigor.

First order of business – let’s ramp up the Global Health carnival. We had a few submissions, but we also really want to make the first one EPIC! In light of that desire, we’re going to push the dates forward a bit – let’s move the deadline to May 31st, so that we have a proper chance to showcase some great work around the internets.


For those of you unfamiliar with the “carnival” vernacular, this is where we seek out submissions whereby writers highlight their kick ass blog posts which tackle the many and various themes surrounding global health. Then, we concoct a one stop blog post to highlight all of this fine writing.

Possible topics can be humanities driven: i.e. access to medicines, big pharma corporations, development issues, politics and health, etc. Or, they can be science driven: i.e. new data or research on this or that disease, new therapeutics that are cool or working well (preferably both), general science geekery. Submissions can even be creative or a little goofy in nature. It’s all good.

Plus, as mentioned before, we get in a habit of making a lovely to look at pdf file amenable for downloading and reading on what e-book/tablet device you may have.

Anyway, leave a link to your remarkable piece of writing in the comments, or point us in the right direction using a tweet via @myrightsvsyours

Game on!